New images that further illustrate the book’s arguments are being added below on this page.
1. This image is discussed on p. 20 of Picturing Medical Progress: “Remember Hospital Sunday!” Puck 20:511 (December 22, 1886), cover (p. 271), chromolithograph by C. J. Taylor. Bert Hansen Collection, Yale Medical School Library.

2. The following image from 1887 provides a later example of the subject illustrated from 1868 in Figure 9 on p. 21 of Picturing Medical Progress: “The Beneficent Work of the Ladies Hospital and Prison Association among the Criminal and Unfortunate at Blackwell's Island,” Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 64: 1657 (June 18, 1887), p. 285. Full-page wood engraving from “sketches by a staff artists.” Bert Hansen Collection, Yale Medical Library.

3. The following image from 1891 illustrates dispensary work, discussed on pp. 22-25 of Picturing Medical Progress: “Scenes at the New York Free Dispensary, Centre Street, Near Canal,” Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly 72: 1866 (June 27, 1891), p. 357. Wood engraving of drawing by J. Durkin. Full page. Bert Hansen Collection, Yale Medical Library.

4. Nurses were rarely illustrated before the late 1890s, as discussed on pp. 24-25 of Picturing Medical Progress. This is one of the rare pictures of a nurse at work. The source gives no indication of her time or place; and the fact that the same image appeared three weeks earlier over the same title in a British pictorial weekly (The Graphic 3: 59 [January 14, 1871], p. 33) suggests that it probably does not represent an American scene. “The Red Cross,” Harper's Weekly 15: 737 (February 11, 1871), p. 133, nearly full page.

5a and 5b. Many illustrations from the 1870s and 1880s confirm the fact that physicians, even when performing procedures did not wear distinctive garments or sanitary materials. Further, in that era, procedures were often not done privately. These facts are discussed and illustrated in Chapter 2 of Picturing Medical Progress.
These engravings of vaccination to prevent smallpox appeared in the two most popular American weeklies of the late 19th century.
UPPER: “Vaccinating the Poor,” Harper's Weekly 16: 794 (March 16, 1872), p. 204, half-page wood engraving from sketch by Sol Eytinge Jr.
LOWER: “Canada--The Recent Smallpox Epidemic in Montreal--Vaccinating American-Bound Passengers on a Train of the Grand Trunk Railway,” Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 61: 1579 (December 26, 1885), 316, half-page wood engraving from sketch by James Marvin. Both in Bert Hansen Collection, Yale Medical Library.